Biblical Archaeology Collection

Exhibit cases

Archives display

This display explores the history of the Reformed Church in America (RCA), the development of the three RCA churches in Orange City, and the connection between the RCA and Northwestern. 
Lower level.

  • Tech Innovations @ Northwestern
    This display traced developments on Northwestern's campus for 4 types of technology - audiovisual devices, computers, telephones, and video games. 
  • Nativities From Around the World
    The unassuming beauty of each nativity on display demonstrated the diversity of people from around the world. Artisans’ representations of the holy birth reflect the uniqueness of their region, nation, and culture. The nativities displayed were donated by Henrietta Van Maanen (’55) in 2008.
  • Body, Mind and Spirit
    Since 1882, Northwestern College students have valued a well-rounded educational experience. This exhibit highlighted extracurricular activities throughout the years, comparing the past and present with colorful artifacts and photographs.
  • Heading West with the LeCocqs: From Iowa to Washington
    The westward migration story of the LeCocq family, Dutch immigrants who first settled in Pella, Iowa then Orange City, Iowa before helping establish Harrison, South Dakota and eventually moving to Lynden, Washington. A digital exhibit is also available.
  • Global Missions and the Reformed Church in America   
    Artifacts and stories showcasing the Reformed Church in America's long history of worldwide missions.  
  • Roeland Van Cavel
    The story of Roeland Kavelaar, a Dutch immigrant who created a program on the Netherlands that he shared at school assemblies throughout the United States. A  digital exhibit is also available.
  • Captain Ralph Mouw: Journey to the Greater Reich   
    Letters, uniforms, and other objects of Captain Ralph Mouw, a Northwestern graduate and later a math professor here. During World War II, he landed at Normandy on D-Day, served in a field artillery unit that saw heavy fighting, plus worked in the liberation forces.  A  digital exhibit is also available.    
  • Roderich & Elisabeth Wolff Scrapbook 
    A scrapbook and accompanying documents tell the story of a German couple during World War II. Roderich Wolff (1897–1973) was Jewish and his wife Elisabeth (1912–2006) was Christian. A  digital exhibit is also available.  

First floor display

View select sets from the Henrietta Van Maanen ('55) nativity collection.  
Common Grounds.

Second floor display

Colenbrander Hall, 1960-2024
The exhibit features artifacts from the construction of Colenbrander Hall, including all the items from the recently opened time capsule.  
East staircase.
