Faith & learning bibliographies

Political science

Cromartie, M. (1996). Caesar's coin revisited: Christians and the limits of government.   

Forster, G. (2008).  The contested public squareThe crisis of Christianity and politics 

Hulett, L. (1993). Christianity and modern politics

McGraw, B.T. (2010). Faith in politics: Religion and liberal democracy.

Skillen, J. (2014). The good of politics: A Biblical, and historical, and contemporary introduction. 

Smidt, C.E. (2001). In God we trust? Religion and American political life

Smith, G.S. (Ed.). (1989). God and politics: Four views on the reformation of civil government

Wallis, J. (1994). The soul of politics: A practical and prophetic vision for change

Wills, G. (1990). Under God: Religion and American politics. 

York, J.H. (1994). The politics of Jesus: Vicit Agnus noster


Christian Scholar's Review.  Online and in print.

First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life.  Online.

Journal of Church and State.  Online, 1 year embargo.

Political Theology.  Online.
