Faith & learning bibliographies
Ecology & environmental studies
Bauckham, R. (2010). The Bible and ecology: Rediscovering the community of creation.
Bauckham, R. (2011). Living with other creatures: Green exegesis and theology.
Bouma-Prediger, S. (2020). Earthkeeping and character: Exploring a Christian ecological virtue ethic.
Bouma-Prediger, S. (2001). For the beauty of the earth: A Christian vision for creation care.
Brown, W.P. (2010). The seven pillars of creation: The Bible, science, and the ecology of wonder.
Brueggemann, W. (1977). The land.
Brunner, D., Butler, J., & Swoboda, A.J. (2014). Introducing evangelical ecotheology.
DeWitt, C. (Ed.). (1991). The environment and the Christian.
Koetje, D.S. (Ed.). (2006). Living the good life on God's good earth.
Meconi, D.V. (Ed.). (2016). On earth as it is in heaven: Cultivating a contemporary theology of creation.
Moo, D.J., & Moo, J.A. (2018). Creation care: A biblical theology of the natural world.
Richter, S.L. (2020). Stewards of Eden: What scripture says about the environment and why it matters.
Santmire, H.P. (2000). Nature reborn.
Santmire, H.P. (1985). The travail of nature: The ambiguous ecological promise of Christian theology.
Van Dyke, F. (2010). Between heaven and earth: Christian perspectives on environmental protection.
Wirzba, N. (2015). From nature to creation: A Christian vision for understanding and loving our world.
Young, D. (1982). Christianity and the age of the earth.
Christian Scholar's Review. Online and in print.
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. Online and in print.
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. Online, 5 year embargo.