Faith & learning bibliographies


Applegate, K. (2016). How I changed my mind about evolution: Evangelicals reflect on faith and science

Cavanaugh, W.T., & Smith, J.K.A. (Eds.). (2017). Evolution and the fall

Frye, R.M. (Ed.). (1983). Is God a creationist? The religious case against creation science

Haarsma, D.B., & Haarsma, L.D. (2011). Origins: Christian perspectives on creation, evolution, and intelligent design

Kaiser, C.B. (1991). Creation and the history of science.

Moore, J.A. (2002). From Genesis to genetics: The case of evolution and creationism

Peacocke, A. (2004). Creation and the world of science: The re-shaping of belief

Peacocke, A. (1986). God and the new biology

Polkinghorne, J. (2006). Science and creation: The search for understanding

Pollack, R. The faith of biology and the biology of faith: Order, meaning, and free will in modern medical science

Rolston, H. (1999). Genes, genesis, and God: Values and their origins in natural and human history

Roughgarden, J. (2006). Evolution and Christian faith

Wright, R.T. (1989). Biology through the eyes of faith


Christian Scholar's Review.  Online and in print.

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.  Online and in print.

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science.  Online, 5 year embargo.
