The Beacon student newspaper
The college student newspaper began publishing in 1923 under the title Monitor; it ceased publication in 1925. In 1928, The Beacon began its run, and it continues today.
What's available in print?
Newspapers from 1923–2006 are bound and available in the Dutch Heritage Room. Print copies from 1923–present are also stored in the archives.
What's available online?
We have 2 online repositories of our digitized newspapers:
- Issues from 1923 - 2021 are currently available at our Student Newspapers at Northwestern site. This is fully searchable and browsable.
- Issues from 2017 - 2024, are available on our digital repository, NWCommons. Issues from the previous academic year are added each summer.
Where's the current issue?
The current issue is available on The Beacon web site, and print copies are available in various locations on campus.