Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
A large multi-discipline full-text database.
ACS (American Chemical Society)
An online journal archive that provides access to selected titles published by ACS.
Agricola (National Agricultural Library)
A catalog and index to the materials of the National Agricultural Library.
America: History & Life (EBSCO)
A large index to journals, books & media dedicated to the history of the United States and Canada.
A genealogical research tool containing census records, military records, directories, church histories, family histories, and more.
Limit: 5 users at a time
Annual Reviews
A database of primary research literature and principal contributions in particular fields.
A searchable resource of more than one million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences.
NOTE: To use ARTstor, it is necessary to turn off any pop-up blockers.
ATLA Religion (EBSCO)
An index to journals and essays that focus on topics in religion.
AtoZ World Culture
A database covering major topics relating to society and culture for 175 countries.
Biological Sciences (ProQuest) Popular
A database providing comprehensive coverage of biological science fields including animal behavior, aquatic life and fisheries, biochemistry, ecology, plant science, microbiology, immunology genetics, health and safety science, and more. Includes full-text from over 1,200 journals.
A searchable collection of high-impact bioscience research journals from a community of independent society and organizational publishers.
Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
Includes scholarly business journals, case studies, reports on industries and markets, plus profiles on over 1 million public and private companies.
Cambridge Companions Online
A collection of searchable texts in classics, literature, music, philosophy, and religion.
Tools for tax and accounting research. First-time users will need to set up an individual account; click here to register.
Choice Reviews Online
A database containing reviews of academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest to those in higher education.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCO)
A research tool for all aspects of nursing containing full-text scholarly journal articles, care sheets and quick lessons on diseases.
Limit: 4 users at a time
Classical Music Library
A database of classical music recordings for listening and research covering music written in the earliest time to the present.
Limit: 2 users at a time
Communication & Mass Media Complete (EBSCO)
A index of journals that cover topics related to communication studies, journalism and mass media.
Corporate ResourceNet (EBSCO)
Contains information of particular interest to today’s companies with full text articles from nearly 1200 magazines and journals.
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800
A major collection of primary source materials for the study of early American history including maps, novels, pamphlets, plays, poems, primers, sermons, and songs.
eBook Collection (EBSCO) Popular
Includes more than 125,000 full-text ebooks from leading academic publishers.
EBSCO Databases
A suite of full text databases and citation indices in a wide variety of disciplines. Can be searched separately or together.
ERIC & Education Journals (ProQuest) Popular
The Education Resource Information Center's index to articles and documents from scholarly education literature, plus a database including over 1,000 full-text journals.
Films on Demand
Thousands of documentaries, educational films, and instructional videos. Ranges from short clips to feature-length films.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
A searchable collection of over 80 subject encyclopedias.
An index to literature focused on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations, and local and national governments.
Health Source: Consumer Edition (EBSCO)
A rich collection of consumer health information from over 80 magazines.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCO)
A resource of scholarly full-text journals focused mainly on nursing.
A full text archive of scholarly journals covering many disciplines.
Learning Express Library
A collection of test preparation tools, including practice tests, for various graduate school entrance exams and career exams. Includes tools for NCLEX-RN, Praxis, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, PCAT, and more.
An extensive database of national and international newspapers as well as business, company, and legal information.
Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (ProQuest)
An index to literature concerned with the nature and use of language, speech, phonetics, and syntax.
Literature Criticism Online
All issues of Contemporary Literary Criticism through 2010. Includes author biographies, criticism essays, and reviews.
McClatchy-Tribune Collection (EBSCO)
A 90-day archive of approximately 290 newspapers from the McClatchy-Tribune Information Services, the third-largest newspaper company in the United States.
A database of biomedical and life sciences journal citations from around the world.
MLA Bibliography (EBSCO)
The Modern Language Association’s index to criticism on literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore.
Morningstar Investment Center
Up-to-date information on mutual funds and stocks, along with detailed market data in the analysis reports.
Limit: 1 user at a time
New York Times
Online access to America's most well-known newspaper, including its archives.
Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCO)
An index to full text newspapers and television and radio news transcripts.
Oxford Dictionaries
An online language dictionary product covering Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
Oxford English Dictionary
The accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium.
Political Science (ProQuest) Popular
A collection of databases covering political science, including Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and Public Affairs Information Service, plus full-text journals and dissertations.
Primary Search (EBSCO)
A database of full text popular elementary school magazines along with many biographies and encyclopedias.
Project MUSE
A journal collection of digital humanities and social sciences content.
PsycARTICLES (ProQuest)
A searchable database of peer-viewed, scholarly, and scientific articles in psychology.
PsycBOOKS (ProQuest)
An index to chapters in thousands of psychology books pubished primarily by the APA.
PsycINFO (ProQuest)
The APA’s premier abstracting and indexing database to scholarly literature in psychology.
Comprises more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
Regional Business News (EBSCO)
A database with full-text coverage for regional business publications.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (EBSCO)
The Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) is an index to music publications from all over the world.
A large database of authoritative articles in the sciences including physical, life, health and social. Students, to obtain an article from ScienceDirect, e-mail the article author, title, and publication to; we will send you the article via e-mail.
Small Business Reference Center (EBSCO)
A resource for small business owners and those interested in starting a business.
Social Work & Sociology (ProQuest) Popular
A collection of social work and sociology indices, including Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts, plus a number of full-text journals.
Bibliographic database covering sport, physical fitness, exercise, kinesiology, sports medicine, physical therapy and more.
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Includes more than 600,000 statistical tables on hundreds of topics, such as human services, labor force, income, agriculture, and more.
Teacher Reference Center (EBSCO)
Abstracts for over 260 top periodicals and trade journals for educators.
A current events database for researching social, political & economic issues.
Vocational & Career Collection (EBSCO)
Full-text coverage of more than 330 trade and industry related periodicals including Modern Machine Shop, Pediatric Nursing, and Wireless Week.