De Volksvriend
Founded by Henry Hospers, De Volksvriend (The People's Friend) was a weekly Dutch-language paper published in Orange City from 1874-1951. In 2013, the National Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek) made digital copies of all issues available in their online repository of Dutch-language papers.
The newspapers are fully searchable. Some browsers will translate the page to English, which can make searching easier. However, if the language is Dutch, follow the steps below to limit your search to De Volksvriend:
Go to the advanced search screen by accessing the newspaper search, then clicking the Uitgebreid zoeken (Advanced search) link.
By Krantentitel (Newspaper Title), start typing De Volksvriend; when it shows up in the list, click the plus to select it.
Enter your search term in the Zoekterm (search term) field near the top of the page. If you wish, you can limit by dates as well in the Periode area; do note that the format is day, month, year (not month, day, year as is typical in the United States). Click the Zoeken (Search) button to search.